Career Tips

HR Managers: What are the benefits to internal career reviews

The priorities of your employees working life will change on a continuous basis throughout their career. If you are making redundancies…

Article by:Corinne Mills


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The priorities of your employees working life will change on a continuous basis throughout their career.

If you are making redundancies there is a chance the redundancy survivors will feel anxious and may need reassurance that they are safe.

At a vulnerable time when redundancies are taking place implementing in-house career reviews will help to ensure job satisfaction and to try to avoid your employees exiting your organisation.

Many organisations bring in professional career coaches to work closely with their staff to explore their career options and ensure they are making the right decision to leave their company.

Some of the reasons your employees might want to leave their organisation are:

  • Career development
  • Better flexible working hours
  • Change of career
  • More challenges
  • Extra responsibility
  • Personal priorities and commitments

By working with a career coach your employees will be able to make sure their move is carefully thought through. We will help them to look at the advantages and opportunities that might be available within their organisation to encourage them to stay.

There are many disadvantages to losing senior staff and re-hiring:

  • The costs involved of re-hiring can be substantial
  • Losing the experience and knowledge of your staff
  • Time spent on training new staff

Our career coaching programmes are tailored around the particular individual as well as budgetary requirements. Working on a one to one basis with an assigned career coach, the individual will typically benefit from the following:

  • Career review and analysis
  • Assessing career capital, key skills, experience etc…
  • Undertaking psychometrics where appropriate
  • Exploring career options and/or alternative ways of working
  • Making informed decisions about next move
  • Devising a practical career action plan for next job and beyond

Personal Career Management work alongside the HR team and senior staff to understand your objectives and put together a bespoke plan to help.

This can include:

  • 1-1 career coaching for specific individuals or groups
  • Deliver an in-house career coaching resource facility
  • Train your HR teams or senior staff in career coaching so that they can deliver career coaching in-house
  • Put together a training programme to train managers on how to conduct career conversations with their staff
  • Provide career development workshops and presentations to help support initiatives within the organisation

For information on how Personal Career Management can help please contact us on 01753 888995 or fill in our online contact form.

We would be happy to come and visit your organisation to discuss our services and how we can help you to retain your staff.


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Article by:

Corinne Mills

Article by:

Corinne Mills

Corinne Mills is the Joint Managing Director of Personal Career Management, she is a career coach with 15 years career management experience.

View Articles by Corinne Mills

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